BUFFALO, N.Y. — The county-owned pickup truck driven by Erie County Sheriff’s Office narcotics chief D.J. Granville during a ...
A recent analysis of judiciary data by the Hawai‘i Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice found that from 2018 to 2023 ...
An armed man who pointed a gun at an overhead police drone and was shot at by San Francisco police officers earlier this ...
The new UAE traffic law has also outlined a provision for the registration of self-driving vehicles in the UAE. A previous ...
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep the van safe, free from vandalism," SFPD emailed, asking cops to ...
Valuable minutes that could have been spent speed-walking to your 9 a.m. lecture are lost in the wait for the illuminated red hand to finally turn into the walk sign. Most decide ... or so I’ve heard.
Laurie Ramie, executive director of the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) used the word "startling" in reference to the green road ...
Rising Xenophobic Harassment and Violence towards Central Asian Migrants in Russia,” documents that Central Asian migrants, ...
Riviera reverie, that’s what Twiggy at Park Hyatt Dubai is all about. If you haven’t already stumbled upon this dreamy beachfront spot, consider this your cue. Now, there’s a good enough reason for ...
The only thing I can do is wait for that investigation to conclude, give me the results of that, and then we can move forward,” Garcia said in an interview Friday with 2 On Y ...
While no one really opposed the housing proposal, the four members who supported delaying the project – Chair Bryna Chang, Vice Chair Allen Akin and commissioners Doria Summa and Kevin Ji ...