Central Iowa Shelter & Services will no longer house more people beyond its 150-bed limit during times of extreme heat and ...
The decision to no longer move forward with the plan raises deep questions about how Central Florida is ever going to expand ...
Six counties have not yet built any new shelter beds and three are still short of their final target, three months before the ...
It is also a gross denial of religious freedom, as SB 1166 doesn’t just limit Boise’s ability to help the homeless — it ...
Among the thousands of people countywide who stayed in local homeless shelters during a recent six-year period, about a ...
Utah lawmakers passed a handful of bills that could impact people experiencing homelessness, along with affected cities, ...
Governor Maura Healey on Friday placed additional restrictions on the state's emergency shelter system, including lowering ...
Enraged Brooklyn residents are accusing the city of a “bait and switch” to replace a building slated for affordable housing ...
The resolution to the debate about relocating Norman's city-funded homeless shelter remains undetermined, according to a city ...
The program is aimed at helping men experiencing chronic homelessness who have not found success in traditional shelters.
Department of Homeless Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park told the City Council that the agency would begin temporarily ...
A Brooklyn lot approved for affordable housing units is instead being used to build a homeless shelter, according to New York ...