For about three years now, Argentines have been hearing almost every month that oil production is breaking new records.
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For a plant, life in Argentina’s Monte Desert is hard enough. Daily temperatures can fluctuate dramatically; it rarely rains, and there are few nutrients in the parched soil for a hungry plant. To add ...
The locations were chosen because they are major tourist provinces, Nikom Boonwiset, vice-chairman of a special committee overseeing the entertainment complex project, said on Thursday (Mar 13 ...
The 7.7-million-acre Vaca Muerta, Spanish for Dead Cow, shale situated in Argentina’s Neuquén province is touted to be the third largest hydrocarbon-rich geological body of its type globally.
The pipeline will link the Neuquén Basin to the terminal, which is planned for Río Negro province and is in the financing phase; the target is capacity of ~500K bbl/day in 2027, with the ...
In the province of Neuquén, we already received all the provincial approval for Neuquén North and South Clusters, just waiting for the corresponding decrease. In Chihuido, Puesto Hernández ...
PHOTO : La Presse canadienne / Andrew Vaughan Les premiers ministres des provinces de l’Atlantique en ont aussi parlé lors d’une rencontre en 2022. Ils se sont montrés favorables à l ...
In the province of Neuquén, we already received all the provincial approval for Neuquén North and South Clusters, just waiting for the corresponding decrease. In Chihuido, Puesto Hernández ...
British Columbia Premier David Eby said Thursday that he intends to introduce legislation that would place tolls on commercial trucks traveling from the Lower 48 to Alaska via his province.
He said B.C. and other provinces are using their jurisdiction over alcohol sales to damage the pocketbooks of American companies and send a message that the U.S. tariffs are unjustified and harmful on ...
The end is near for McDonald's Expo 86 floating restaurant that never quite found a home after global event According to VPD, there have been eight incidents of mischief in the city since the ...