De talkshow van RTL 4, die afwisselend wordt gepresenteerd door Renze Klamer, Beau van Erven Dorens en Humberto Tan, krijgt ...
Hij wist vooraf dat hij aan een date met twee vrouwen zou beginnen. Sterker nog; dat wilde hij maar wat graag. Roberto Haak ...
Zangeres Anouk brengt volgende maand een nieuw album uit. De plaat heet Set this thing on fire en komt op 11 april uit, heeft ...
Fans of the show may be wondering – is “Real Time with Bill Maher” new tonight? No, “Real Time” is not airing a new episode on Friday, March 21. Last week’s episode, which is streaming ...
On 19 December 2013 the news team were recorded live as the 18:30 show was broadcast. It was the day Lee Rigby's killers were convicted of murder and a large part of the show was broadcast ...
De bevolking van Nederland blijft de komende decennia naar verwachting groeien, tot 20,6 miljoen inwoners in 2070. Naar verwachting bereikt het inwonertal in 2037 de 19 miljoen. De bevolking groeit ...
The talk show will have new episodes Monday through Thursday this week (with a rerun on Friday as it traditionally does), though the Thursday episode will be delayed for East Coast viewers due to ...
fans might be wondering whether the show is set to air tonight (22nd March). Read on to find out when is Britain’s Got Talent is on TV and everything you need to know about this year's thrilling ...
With endless options on streaming platforms and in cinemas, it can often feel as though the choices of which movies to watch are endless. And while they most certainly are these days, nothing ...
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