Cristina Roccati graduated from the University of Bologna when few other Italian women earned degrees, and she taught physics ...
A UCLA-led team has developed an advanced sensor platform that measures metabolites — key molecules involved in sustaining ...
Dog sledding is technically a competitive sport, but as an Idaho musher noted, for most, it's hardly a money-making business.
I’m not sure who’s having more fun, musher Michael Tarver or his sled dogs as we charge on through the white wonderland.
Many competing feelings can arise during social comparison: Envy, admiration, motivation, fear of missing out, validation, ...
Dr. Lisa Adams, the first native female Black optometrist in the U.S. Virgin Islands, co-owns the Sterling Optical Chain with ...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt told TheWrap he is against OpenAI and Google's proposal to the Trump Administration to ease copyright laws for AI.
Nyota and her colleagues, all volunteer environmentalists from the local community, co-authored Common Medicinal Plants of Eburu Forest, a book documenting known medicinal plant varieties. Their goal ...
Is it better to stow a suitcase in the plane’s belly and risk the airline losing your luggage or cram everything into a carry ...
Check out and visit local distribution stands for newspapers. News sections include news, opinions, arts ...
The lack of regulatory oversight of radioactive waste in the oil and gas industry has created an environment ripe for some ...