Fascists, meanwhile, are popular, charismatic dictators with personality cults, with Italy’s Benito Mussolini being the quintessential example. Trump falls short on the total-power scale, but he does ...
At the dawn of a second Trump era, American Hindu supremacists are increasingly aligning themselves with the MAGA far right.
The post falsely claimed that Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong were not responsible for the murders of millions of ...
The most recent excavations, which were started by Benito Mussolini, were halted during World War II and then picked up sporadically until 2022. The current excavation is part of a research ...
It took Adolf Hitler’s and Benito Mussolini’s declaration of war on the United States on December 11, 1941, in solidarity with Japan, to bring the U.S. into the war. In short, Washington ...
To “fratricidal” wars such as, for example, the one that was narrowly avoided at the last moment in 1934 between Italian fascism and German Nazism, when Mussolini urgently sent 200,000 of his ...