Since Benito Mussolini, too, is a Great Editor, the Italian people read in their papers last week nothing about Abyssinia except references to the “arrogance and provocation” with which Power ...
To relieve young Count Ciano’s ufficio stampa (Press Bureau) of any difficulty in explaining Italy’s future moves in Abyssinia, Dictator Mussolini as War Minister abruptly took over its functions.
The war against Abyssinia. This is a book designed not for the academic but for the general reader. And it succeeds in that context, but also is an excellent history in English of the war. Physically ...
“But this is untrue: Mussolini was the world’s first Fascist dictator, heading an unpleasant regime which used poison gas in Abyssinia and sent oppositionists into repressive ‘confinement’. “But the ...
Italy had been defeated in Ethiopia, at the time normally referred to as Abyssinia, in 1896. In 1935, Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), the Fascist Duce of Italy since 1922, invaded Abyssinia, and on ...
as they were distracted by a crisis between Italy and Abyssinia 1 1938 In March, Hitler united Germany and Austria in an event known as the Anschluss This time the Italian leader Mussolini ...
The Hoare-Laval fiasco (where France and Britain tried to appease Italy's leader Mussolini by agreeing to offer him land in Abyssinia) had been deeply unpopular and had eventually brought down the ...