Miss Manners suggests you apply this rule to your dinner parties. Tell your friend that you appreciate the input, but if they ...
A fine diner wants to know if it’s impolite to pick up a rack of lamb to chew off the last of the meat; a party host is tired ...
The American color of mourning is black, although the code is only sporadically observed (except in cases of funerals for ...
The American color of mourning is black, although the code is only sporadically observed (except in cases of funerals for ...
The American color of mourning is black, although the code is only sporadically observed (except in cases of funerals for ...
I’m saying “Wear anything!” because we want it to be about celebrating his life more than mourning his death. I plan to wear ...
The American color of mourning is black, although the code is only sporadically observed (except in cases of funerals for ...
GENTLE READER: Although she resists making every etiquette problem into a medical question, Miss Manners is willing to make ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to the distinctions between traditional funerals and ...
Do you make a distinction between funerals and celebrations of life, or do you believe mourning prevails regardless?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: We are holding a celebration ... Does a “celebration of life” require etiquette adjustments from a funeral, which it is increasingly replacing? Funerals used to be set ...
The American color of mourning is black, although the code is only sporadically observed (except in cases of funerals for ...