Three female lynx that were illegally released in the Cairngorms are looking for a new home after completing 30 days quarantine at Edinburgh Zoo. The wild cats were spotted in the national park in ...
A fourth male lynx, died after being captured, and the three females are being cared for at Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's (RZSS) Edinburgh Zoo. The felines, all thought to be less than a year ...
A fourth male lynx, died after being captured, and the three females are being cared for at Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's (RZSS) Edinburgh Zoo. The felines, all thought to be less than a ...
No evidence has been found so far of a lynx after reports of a potential sighting in a south of Scotland woodland, according ...
The lynx have just completed their 30-day quarantine at Edinburgh Zoo Credit: Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. Three lynx that were illegally released in the Cairngorms are “doing well ...
The Life and Works of a Western Maine Pioneer and Wildlife Writer”.) Adam radioed his wife, “Jen, we caught our first lynx.” ...