This page gives complete information about the Mahmud Badaruddin Ii Airport along with the airport location map, Time Zone, lattitude and longitude, Current time and date, hotels near the airport etc.
ASQ Awards assess the airport experience through traveler's feedback in a survey conducted at airports around the world.
South Asian militaries need to work cooperatively to build a regional climate security strategy. Militaries, which are among the biggest consumers of fuel, account for 5.5 percent of global greenhouse ...
In recent years, Balochistan has seen new democratic movements. While Pakistan Army may not welcome another insurgency, this ...
We're replacing BBC Sounds outside the UK and bringing you, a seamless way to read, watch, and listen - all in one ...
There would be no gender-based discrimination in Bangladesh following the July uprising, Adviser Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuiyan said today (8 March). Women's presence at all levels would be guaranteed to ...
The Business Law Section Fellows programs encourage the participation of young lawyers, lawyers of color, LGBT lawyer and lawyers with disabilities in Business Law Section activities. The program ...
Malek Ayaz managed to stall a Portuguese fortress in Diu, for as long as he was governor of Diu. The fort would be built only ...