And I exhorted newly named Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty to use common sense and listen to her conscience when hearing from parents who ... we need to get back to reading, writing and ...
Volunteers in West Virginia are on a mission to reengage struggling readers. They are among those modeling the idea that it ...
Given the possibility that Micheail Ward did not commit this crime, can we demand a fair outcome for both Hadiya Pendleton ...
Louisiana ranked 50th nationwide in childhood literacy. Today, they’ve climbed to 16th. This makes our ears perk up.
Khaled Hosseini, author of the 2003 novel “The Kite Runner” speaks out as the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota and ...
Anita Chauhan works with startups in Toronto, and she can easily describe the kind of looks she used to get from her tech-bro ...
Considering this ritual of parents reading with their kids before bed ... Of course, writing notes in your child's lunchbox or sending a letter home from college can be a therapeutic daily ritual ...
The best fresh dog food ultimately comes down to your pup's lifestyle and needs. Some of the top options include The Farmer's ...
For young people, building a good credit score can open many doors, including renting an apartment and getting your own phone ...
The history of Jews in the Hawaiian Islands, when they arrived, what happened during World War II, and what their lives are ...
For now, all I can put police’s failure to act down to is systemic misogyny; a culture of not believing women. It’s present ...
The 1976 film is as hetero as it gets: hunky lifeguard Rick Carlson (played by Sam Elliott) examines his life as he attends a high school reunion and reunites with his former high school flame. Parker ...