Translation of the Titles of Academic Papers on Petroleum in English and Chinese. Open Access Library Journal, 12, 1-10. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1112937 . Petroleum English is a kind of English for ...
Many companies now don’t require candidates to submit cover letters. But should you still submit them? The author argues that ...
The clock is ticking for 1.6 million people in Washington State to maintain access to their health care providers as they ...
As a business that relies on a trained and ready workforce, one key resource to fill open jobs is the public workforce system overseen by Workforce Southwest Washington and its Economic Security for A ...
I understand that relationships are complex, but what I'm asking is that, for the sake of the kids, you put a stop to this ...
Murugasu, U. and Subbarao, A. (2025) Customizing Customer Experience: A Systematic Review of Digital Personality in Telecommunications. Open Journal of Business and Management, 13, 1449-1479. doi: ...