Vermont state chose to ban plastic carry-out bags on July 1, 2020, along with plastic straws, stirrers, and Styrofoam cups.
Infrastructure company Ceigall India Ltd on Thursday (March 13) said it has received a Letter of Award (LOA) from the ...
AVP Infracon announced that it has received a letter of acceptance (LoA) worth Rs 21 crore from Arun Kumar, AM Grand Associates, for the construction of a cold storage facility and warehouse on a ...
Solarvest Holdings Bhd has accepted a letter of award (LoA) worth RM401mil from TNB Kuala Muda Solar Sdn Bhd via its wholly-owned subsidiary, Atlantic Blue Sdn. Bhd (ABSB).
I have discovered a splendid use for plastic bags that contain dry cereal in cardboard boxes. In recent years, these bags have evolved to be heavier, leakproof and puncture-resistant, and they have ...
“ It’s not like we traded Luka. ” — A post in Southwest Airlines’ Instagram account, shortly after the airline announced it ...
In the latest instalment of his weekly diary, our hero Fabien McQuillan goes down a hole and gets ready for a battle with ...
someone wrote in that they could no longer carry in economical heavy bags of pet food and potting soil from their trunk ...
RPP Infra Projects said that it has received a letter of acceptance for a new project worth Rs 22.56 crore from the Department of Space Centre, Construction and Maintenance Group, Sriharikota.
Dear Editor, Heaven has no finer angels than those earthbound people who selflessly give their time, their concern, and their ...
GENEVA, Switzerland — March 17, 2025 — As a pioneer of Indonesia’s Technical Inspection and Verification Program, SGS is ...
Winter 2025/2026 runway at Paris Fashion Week, the design studio paid tribute to Gabrielle Chanel's love of ribbons.