Increase awareness about colorectal cancer to promote early diagnosis and treatment, reducing mortality rates worldwide.
With the rising trend of colorectal cancer turning into a cause for concern, doctors raised the need for screening to ...
Scheduling a colonoscopy is one of the best ways to prioritize one’s colon health. During a colonoscopy, a small flexible endoscope is passed around a prepped colon to examine the inside lining of the ...
Shawn Michael, 48, from Springfield Missouri, said it was only when a sip of fizzy drink left him feeling like he'd been ...
Tristand Otieno has been to India two times seeking treatment for colon cancer. Sadly, he did not make it after the second ...
Colorectal cancer, the third-most common cancer in the U.S., has been rising among younger people for the past two decades.
Irene Wells didn't ask just how bad her pancreatic cancer was — she just wanted aggressive treatment so she could do "a ...
The good news is that a colonoscopy can help prevent colon cancer. Doctors can find and remove small growths called polyps during this test before they become cancer. If cancer is found early, ...
A research team led by Mount Sinai has uncovered mechanisms of abnormal immune cell function that may lead to Crohn's disease ...
Take care of the person and not the disease. It is often said. And it is important that the approach is not limited to ...