MOSES LAKE – Sade is a Siberian Husky-slash-retriever-slash-labrador-adorable mix with a red coat and happy eyes that ...
Let's explore some of these most recent designer dog breeds from oldest to the newest, along with their origin and why people ...
We have all encountered well-trained dogs that sit on command and come when called, but I'm sure very few of us have ever met ...
Each year, around 7.6 million animals enter shelters nationwide, and approximately 2.7 million are euthanized, according to ...
Learn More Once upon a time, dogs were either purebred or the neighbor’s “mystery mix.” Now? Designer dogs rule the pet ... Honorable mentions go to the Miniature Labradoodle, the ever-loyal Retriever ...
Siberian Husky Don ... It’s a mix of both. While Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Cane Corsos have the muscle, it’s their dog behavior and upbringing that shape their temperament. Even popular family dogs ...
A new study published in Science found that British Labrador retrievers have multiple genes related to canine obesity, of which are also associated with human obesity. Obesity Genes and Brain Pathways ...
As a mix of the muscular Rottweiler and the high-energy Siberian Husky, this hybrid often inherits ... and while they shed less than a regular Lab, not all are completely allergy-friendly.