KPD also said a 20-year-old man was the person wounded in the shooting, and that the shooting happened in the parking lot of the complex. KPD said the shooting happened around 2:40 p.m. when ...
The person’s injuries are considered not to be life-threatening. KPD said multiple parked vehicles were stuck by gunfire and several shell casings were found. “At this time, it is believed ...
Ada yang beda dengan penampilan Gubernur Jateng Terpilih, Ahmad Luthfi. Mantan Kapolda Jateng itu kini memiliki banyak bulu tipis di wajahnya. Luthfi tampak memelihara kumis tipis, jenggot di dagu dan ...
Police responded to the Christian Fellowship Center where they found the van, which had just made a delivery on Atchley Street, KPD said. According to police, the van was parked on a downhill ...
The family of Jessica Romano is looking for answers from Killeen Police Department about the circumstances surrounding the death of the 43-year-old single mother. According to Silvana Romano ...
Penjabat Gubernur Jawa Tengah Nana Sudjana, saat meninjau pelaksanaan program makan bergizi gratis, di SMA Negeri 4 Semarang, Rabu (8/1/2025). (ANTARA/HO-Pemprov Jateng) Kami dari provinsi dan ...
Pasangan Cagub-Cawagub Jawa Tengah (Jateng) nomor urut 1 Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi (Hendi) mengajukan permohonan untuk mencabut gugatan hasil penghitungan suara di Pilkada Jawa Tengah (Jateng ...
Presiden ke-7 RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Respons Jokowi soal namanya disinggung dalam sengketa Pilgub Jawa Tengah di Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Nama Presiden ke-7 RI Joko ...
The Killeen City Council this week unanimously approved a grant application for a Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for the Killeen Police Department, which would target vehicle and ...
Pasangan calon Gubernur-Wagub Jawa Tengah (Jateng) nomor urut 1 Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi (Andika-Hendi) menggugat hasil Pilgub Jateng ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Andika-Hendi meminta MK ...
KLATEN, - New Sakpole merupakan aplikasi yang dikelola oleh pemerintah provinsi Jawa Tengah guna melayani pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor secara daring. Belakangan ini, aplikasi ...
Pj Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Nana Sudjana saat melakukan panen raya jagung bersama Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) di lahan seluas 578 hektar di Desa Tegalsumur, Kecamatan Brati, Kabupaten Grobogan ...