Unlike Forrest Gump, that’s not all I have to say about that.
Memorial for independence fighter Patriots and Veterans Affairs Minister Kang Jung-ai delivers a eulogy in front of a ...
Jacksonville’s museum warship USS ORLECK (DD 886) will celebrate her third anniversary in Jacksonville tomorrow, Wednesday ...
It was announced in November that history teacher Andrew Abeyounis was selected by National History Day to research stories ...
The Yakama Warriors Association is hosting its annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans event on Saturday.
Vietnam War veterans will receive a lapel pin to honor their service on March 29 to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of ...
U.S. Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. Alvin R. Scarborough and Army Pfc. Joseph R. Travers — are coming for burials with full ...
At present, the Department of Veterans Affairs projects that all the American veterans from the conflict, men and women alike ...
A memorial to Native American military veterans could soon be erected on the grounds of the Capitol under a bill that was advanced by a state Senate committee on ...
It's been 50 years since Scott Whitney was honorably discharged from the U.S. Marines, but he still serves his community.
Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Evelyn Jean Wright, 95, gets a plaque at the National Veterans Memorial in La Jolla ...
More than 3,000 service members have received our nation’s highest military honor since 1863. Only one museum tells their stories.