Herod acquiesced to this demand and, therefore, did away with John the Baptist. Scripture chronicles that the prophet was murdered on the dance floor after Salome's performance, and that King ...
The Bible distinguishes between righteous kings, like David, and an evil king, like Herod. By the way, they took criticism regarding their adultery. David expressed remorse (2 Samuel 12) and ...
The film actually begins with the Roman invasion by Pompey in 65 B.C., the appointment of King Herod ... and John the Baptist's beheading as Salome's price for dancing for Herod.
Oscar Wilde's biblical tale of lust and revenge, Salome follows the legend of King Herod ... indifferent to Herod's advances, longs for the love of the imprisoned John the Baptist.
Salome’s lust for John the Baptist and the circumstances forcing Salome to settle for a kiss on the lips of her beloved’s beheaded head instead. Psychosexually forward, Egoyan’s staging went ...
When Herodias divorces her husband and marries his brother Herod Antipas, governor of Judea, the prophet John the Baptist protests and is imprisoned. Salome, daughter of Herodias and both niece ...