John & Yoko," a documentary about John Lennon and Yoko Ono's time living in Greenwich Village, will be released by Magnolia ...
Capturing Sir Elton John’s 50-year career is a herculean task. Good thing his husband David Furnish and filmmaker R.J. Cutler ...
It brought back the struggle I had with success’, and how ‘it’s never too late to change,’ singer says of Disney+ documentary.
Good thing his husband, David Furnish, and filmmaker R.J. Cutler were up for the ... It is filled with insight into his music ...
John Lennon’s friend, Elliot Mintz, tried to help him in the early 1970s when he and Yoko Ono separated. Ono told him she wanted time apart, and he moved to Los Angeles. Mintz wasn’t exactly ...
Good thing his husband, David Furnish, and filmmaker R.J. Cutler ... relationships — including a fiery friendship with John Lennon — troublesome childhood and struggles with addiction.