Believers like Garry Tan are flipping the script in the venture capital world, making faith matter just as much as the ...
Latter Day Struggles" podcast Valerie and Nathan Hamaker discuss their decision to resign their membership — and the ...
If Jesus really loves me, why is he allowing a narcissistic con-artist president to throw the world into chaos on a whim?
Scholars debate whether the Gospel stories preserve ancient memories or are just Greek literature in disguise. But there’s a ...
Women are second-class citizens in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, guest columnist Emily W. Jensen concludes ...
“There is no documented revelation related to the origin of the priesthood and temple restriction,” the new article states.
A former church minister has opened up about two things she misses about her former religion. She had dumped Christianity, ...
It’s a little misunderstanding of Christianity, and a little misunderstanding of Trump,” the pastor said. “Too many people ...
Ilana M. Horwitz, Ph.D., a professor from Tulane University, addressed BYU students about the complementary nature between ...
We sell our faith short, and so we sell our Lent short. At least I do. I have spent most of my life thinking of the faith as ...
Rauch said religion has merged with political and cultural forces, and this politicization has contributed to both the ...