A former Subway shop has been transformed into a tiny wonderland of authentic Japanese specialties at affordable prices.
The expensive Japanese tasting menu has gone mainstream. Whether or not that’s good news is up to the diner and their budget ...
BANGKOK - A vibrant enclave of Japanese culture, food and nightlife, this 300 meters stretch offers visitors a taste of Japan ...
In the sea of male sushi chefs throughout the culinary industry, chef Nikki Zheng is a fresh face. She’s one of the chefs ...
Hiroki-San, the Japanese restaurant located in the basement of the Book Tower, is now offering tableside omakase.
He is now the chef-owner of Sushi Hyun, a minimalist, exclusive sushi restaurant that opened last August. Like other premium ...
Japanese restaurants continue to be the most popular foreign dining choice in Thailand, despite growing pressure from Chinese ...
As schools of new residents swim into Palm Beach, as development and investment shoal, a new cosmopolitan menu is being ...
Two culinary traditions known for noodles link arms in May at a pop-up on the Las Vegas Strip. PastaRamen, which mingles Italian and Japanese ingredients, techniques and flavors, is debuting May 15 ...
Once a month The Table in Battersea host an Omakase night - a Japanese expression meaning “I’ll leave it up to you” or in this context “I’ll trust the chef”. Each menu is inspired by the heritage of ...