IRON AGE GIRL:What is it? IRON AGE BOY:The cattle. NARRATOR:Tribes stealing from each other and fighting over land is a big problem. NARRATOR:A tribal meeting is called to discuss what to do.
For centuries, scientists have been trying to determine who built Stonehenge. Today, the leading theory is that several ...
A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Ferrara in Italy suggests that the majority of Europeans living 5,000 years ago, including those who built Stonehenge, may have had dark ...
Very little is truly known of the ancient Celts who left no written records. The names of many of the gods worshipped by them are known through Latin or Gallo-Latin inscriptions made in late pre ...
Now, that slaveowner happened to be an out and out sadist. He not only ran a domestic amphitheatre of death, he was more than ...
Various groups over the past two centuries have suggested that the people of Atlantis migrated to Europe after their civilization was destroyed and sank into the sea. This includes the Nazis, who used ...
There is a compelling relevance in my recalling prior occasions when I have had the honour of addressing this gathering. The most memorable, without question, took place during the final phase of the ...
The Melsonby hoard is a remarkable collection of more than 800 Iron-Age metal artifacts, which was found in a field near ...
“The destruction of so many high-status objects, evident in this hoard, is also of a scale rarely seen in Iron Age Britain ...
The collection, which dates to the first century C.E., includes items ranging from elaborately decorated horse harnesses to ornate cauldrons ...