Rex’s tiny arms to the long neck of the Apatosaurus, dinosaurs are fascinating to many. Wannabe dino hunters can go dinosaur ...
What the dodo symbolizes has changed over time. It has been, variously, a parable, a joke and a warning. When we see it as an ...
One fateful day 66 million years ago, the dinosaurs — which had inhabited ... About 800,000 years ago, during the last ice age, some mammoths grew woolly coats as they expanded to the much ...
Some were even feathered, which could have provided insulation like modern-day birds and mammals. This adaptability raises the question: could dinosaurs have survived an ice age? Research suggests ...
Tiny lab mice just got a mammoth-sized upgrade — genetic tweaks have given them thick, woolly fur, bringing science one step closer to reviving traits of extinct species.
Illinois’ commercial fossil trade is alive and well thanks to collectors who are motivated by money, science and the hunt — and who test the outer bounds of legality.
Jump Race (NOSTRA GAMES, 6th Mar, $4.99) - There are different types of races and now you can try a completely new and ...
By the time Cube reaches the timeless classic It Was a Good Day, towards the end of the show, he’s left the crowd with ample ...
Looking for random tidbits to bring out at your next dinner party? Here are 167 random fun facts suitable for anyone in your ...
What: This year’s theme is Rockford Sports. Activities include Make-a-Monkey workshop ($25 material fee); tour the Sock ...
Near the end of the age of dinosaurs, a bird resembling today’s loons and grebes dove for fish and other prey in the perilous ...