The extreme Core i7-965 version has an unlocked clock multiplier and runs, out of the box, at 3.20 Ghz. The i7-940 has a 2.93 Ghz clock, while the i7-920 is a 2.66 Ghz processor. All three are ...
Windows 10 Intel i7 8700k 4.9Ghz Intel i7 8086k 5.3Ghz Asus ROG STRIX Z370-H Сooling : Zalman cnps10x Performa GTX 1080 8Gb 16Gb RAM 3200Mhz Trump testing limits of presidential power ...
Intel continue their dominance in the CPU industry with two new CPU's, the Intel Core i5 570 and Intel Core i7 870. Moving away from just raw GHz power, Intel continue to maximise their CPU's and ...