We agreed to cohabitate for five years, after which I would get my contribution back and there would be equity for him.” ...
House Bill 4078 and Senate Bill 2594 are nearly identical proposals mandating that Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth and San Antonio ...
Tuberculosis continued to rise again in the U.S. last year, reaching its highest levels in more than a dozen years ...
It was 2014 and I had been working vigorously on trying to help solve the vexing problem of homelessness ... plan that would see the deep need among us. What a statement it would be if the ...
The Everyone In scheme virtually ended rough sleeping during the Covid pandemic but five years on homelessness has surged to new heights.
PAWTUCKET − A homeless shelter in the empty Memorial ... and health care related services provided primarily to United States military veterans and their families,' the establishment of a ...
The outpouring of devotion has surprised even Assisi 's bishop, the Rev. Domenico Sorrentino. He described the scene as a ...
City officials called to a Los Angeles federal court hearing Thursday are expected to respond to the bleak picture of the region’s homelessness assistance programs painted by an independent consulting ...
Young climate activists argued the federal government’s role in climate change violated their constitutional rights.
The consistent record of the Indian state in securing justice and reparation for survivors of mass communal violence ever ...
"Although the property owner is allowed to use the property for 'residential and health care related services provided primarily to United States military veterans and their families,' the ...