West Virginia is banning seven artificial food dyes, including Red No. 40, in the most sweeping state level food dye ban in ...
HERE’S your chance to cook up a storm – we’re giving away £1,000 grants to get a cooking club up and running at your school ...
These are general estimates, because total hydration needs will vary depending on the child’s size, level of physical activity and climate ... not minimum amounts. Your kids don’t need to drink any ...
Open Streets, An event that encourages families to get outside together while promoting health and wellness, is happening on ...
Filipino children are exposed to a constant stream of ads promoting donuts, soft drinks, fried chicken, instant noodles, and ...
Healthy Kids Day is a Free Community Event, scheduled for Saturday, April 26th, from 9:00 a.m. until Noon. It will take place ...
In addition to delivering nutrition lessons for the 113 preschoolers at eight Head Start sites across Calaveras County, the ...
It may seem hard to believe, but snacking several times a day can boost your health and fitness — exercise snacking, that ...
Nikki and Brie Garcia spoke candidly to Us about putting their health first and how they talk to their kids about nutrition ...