Hajj is too expensive. Hajj is too crowded. Hajj isn’t regulated well enough. The Saudi government isn’t measuring up as the custodian of the Hajj. Ask North American Muslims who have made the ...
One of the five pillars of Islam is that each believer is called, at least once in their lives, to make the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage that starts and ends in the holy city of Mecca located in ...
SARA: The Hajj is a pilgrimage all Muslims are expected ... SARA: Finally the pilgrims return to Mecca and perform one last important ritual. On their way there they stop at what we call the ...
After offering Fajr Prayer at Muzdalfa, they will leave for Mina for remiaing Hajj rituals. Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba was changed today at Masjid al-Haram in Makkah tul Mukarama. The Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba, known as ...