Curious about the best way to grow onions? We tested three different methods—fertilizer, container, and no fertilizer—to find out which yields the best results. Onions can be tricky due to their ...
Considered one of the oldest cultivated plants, onions are thought to have originated in Central Asia. Green onions, also ...
and selecting the right onion type for your region will help you grow bigger bulbs. Most vegetable seeds give you a bit of wiggle room when it comes to their “best by” or “expiration date ...
Growing onions can be very easy but they do require ... Long-day onions will have a chance to produce lots of top growth (hence produce bigger bulbs) before the day length triggers bulbing.
Growing onions in the north can be somewhat of a challenge ... it will not get much bigger. Direct seeding onions is the most challenging here. The season is too short unless you use a tunnel ...
Onions have been cultivated for over 5,000 years, and they have been used, not only for food, but for medicine for various illnesses and joint problems. Ancient Greek soldiers and athletes ...
Onions are a cold-season crop, easy to grow because of their hardiness. I recommend using onion sets, which can be planted ...
Depending on variety, onions grow well no matter how long the growing days are. Choose ones that grow well here and meet your needs for taste and storage.