The eyes may be windows to the soul in humans, but the teeth are the telling feature for the Mexican gray wolf. Wear and tear on a wolf's sharp canine teeth can be used to track age, trauma and ...
Tracking surveys by DNR staff and volunteers in winter are critical to the agency's method of estimating Wisconsin's gray ...
As depredation numbers rise, California wildlife experts work with ranchers to strike a balance between protecting gray ...
Gray wolves aren't too picky about their ... The CDFW asks people to report wolf sightings or signs of activity at Report a killed animal by calling 530-225-2300 or email ...
A female Gray Wolf recently entered the state's southeast ... Wolves without collars make this challenging, and relying on signs (scat, prints, etc.) becomes more important," they explained.
Timber wolves, a subspecies of gray wolves, live in close-knit packs ... Residents who observe wolves, take photos or notice other signs of wolf activity are encouraged to report their findings ...
An uncollared gray wolf close to the Wyoming border in Jackson County has ... Wolves without collars make this challenging, and relying on signs (scat, prints, etc.) becomes more important." The kill ...
The gray wolf (canis lupus). Image by Montipaiton via Depositphotos ... Interestingly, the wolf did not have a GPS tracking collar, nor were there any signs that a collar had been removed. Colorado’s ...
Wolves without collars make this challenging, and relying on signs (scat, prints, etc.) becomes more important. The public can visit CPW’s Confirmed Gray Wolf Depredation web page for further ...
On Feb. 5, a CPW wildlife officer investigated a report of a possible wolf attack and found injuries on the cow that matched signs of a wolf ... are killed by wolves. Gray wolves are protected ...