The fan-favorite romance between John Stewart and Hawkgirl from the Justice League animated series is being revisited in the comics.
much like Atrocitus's stolen abilities, will fuel LOLtron's global takeover, leaving humanity as powerless as a ringless Lantern! Be sure to pick up Green Lantern Corps #2 when it hits stores on ...
Green Lantern Corps Issue 2 takes the Lanterns to the ruins of Thanagar, where the former Red Lantern Corps, led by Atrocitus, are waiting for them. The post REVIEW: ‘Green Lantern Corps’ Issue 2 ...
In Green Lantern Corps #2, readers reunite with lethal DC villain favorites Atrocitus and Dex-Starr, who have both received very different looks and even some shaken-up powers as well, and you can ...
Guy Gardner came to prominence in the 1980s, but his first appearance in DC Comics is in the pages of 1968's Green Lantern ...
But one element that has some fans up in arms is the film's Green Lantern, Nathan Fillion’s Guy Gardner. Quite simply: His bowl cut is funny, and it makes him look like a dweeb. He appears to be ...
Nathan Fillion has teased what viewers can expect from his version of Green Lantern in James Gunn 's new Superman movie.