If creating a calm, balanced and aesthetically pleasing home is your goal, then you probably already appreciate the power of indoor plants. More than just decorative additions, houseplants play a ...
An exploration of Lord Byron’s role and the Exodus of Messolonghi in the founding of the modern Greek state. The renowned ...
On March 18, the ancient Greek valley of Olympia once again became the focus of global attention. The 144th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was grandly inaugurated in an event ...
Now starring in Gia Coppola's 'The Last Showgirl,' the Canadian actress's artistic and political radicalism stands in stark ...
WITH warmer weather around the corner it’s the perfect time for parents-to-be to think of a pretty, spring-inspired name for ...
Cleo – Of Greek origin, meaning “glory,” “to be praised,” and “the celebrated one.” Cleo is a short form of Cleopatra, the ...
Birds are widely regarded as symbols of freedom and eternity due to their ability to soar into the skies. Their symbolism exists all over the world as part of different cultures, religions, and ...
Ancient Rome unfairly has a reputation for having stolen or copied their mythology and religious traditions from the Greeks ...
[The English phrases 'of one being' and 'one in being' translate the Greek word homoousios ... came to recognize and receive the Symbol of 381. The use of this formula in the Creed was gradually ...
Introduction The history of Lent dates back to centuries ago with Christians spending time preparing to celebrate the ...
Sculptor Haige Wu intertwines feminism and heritage using traditional crafts and contemporary materials to build tactile, abstract narratives.
The Sicilian Agathocles, a man not only of obscure but lowly and abject origins, became king of Syracuse. The son of a potter ...