Google has been forced to delete a series of apps recently with some ‘high-risk’ apps making it into the Play Store.
Google removed 331 malicious apps from the Play Store linked to a massive ad fraud and phishing scam, affecting 60 million users. Learn how to stay safe., Technology & Science News - Times Now ...
Google has removed apps infected with KoSpy spyware from the Play Store. Users should delete affected apps immediately, ...
Malicious apps are one of the easiest ways to gain access to the sensitive personal and financial information stored on your ...
Over 300 malicious Android applications downloaded 60 million items from Google Play acted as adware or attempted to steal ...
Android apps with 60M+ downloads ran full-screen ads, stole credentials, and bypassed security in a large-scale ad fraud and ...
Over 300 malicious applications displaying intrusive full-screen interstitial video ads amassed more than 60 million ...
Attackers sometimes take advantage of these ad fraud campaigns to generate revenue. Other times, they compromise users' ...
Vapor Operation infected 331 apps with 60M+ downloads, engaging in ad fraud and phishing.; the malware bypassed Android 13 ...
Pixalate research finds 26k apps delisted from the Google Play Store and 4k apps delisted from the Apple App Store were ...
There were some malicious apps that were posing as genuine apps on the Play Store and Google has removed 331 of them. The apps were stealing details from Android phone users.
Cybersecurity researchers from Bitdefender, who also credited IAS Threat Lab, said they discovered at least 331 apps that ...