Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Big Time Texas Hunts program gives people the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime guided ...
But you should wait to go shed hunting. Winter gives mule deer enough stress the way it is ... A local conservation officer came out to analyze the scene, and to see the giant deer. Jason Kline As you ...
Amy Alonzo, the Nevada Independent For years, land managers discussed developing a fuel treatment plan for the Beaver Creek ...
Had the deer been killed (or found dead) by a hunter, Milo Hansen’s giant would be the No. 2 B ... so if you’re looking for the best mule deer, elk, moose, or caribou sheds, their record ...
Two individuals have been convicted of multiple wildlife violations, including residency fraud and unlawful hunting, ...
Integrated pest management techniques can help you manage deer damage without causing harm to this important wildlife species ...
The reality of habituated mule deer in Anaconda dying from starvation conflicts with the more sentimental view that the town’s doe-eyed deer are cute and even a draw for tourists. Wildlife ...
Next year, there will be no auctioning off of any of Arizona’s big game tags to the highest bidder as the Arizona Game & Fish Commission voted last year to ...
The Hinkley buck, tagged in Maine in 1955, was possibly the biggest whitetail ever killed at the time, and certainly in Maine ...
By 2015, it had expanded to 23 states and two Canadian province since it was first identified in a Colorado captive mule deer research ... threat to the future of deer hunting,” says the ...