Many of the phrases that offend boomers but don't bother younger generations at all, like "OK, boomer," are rooted in ...
Many Gen Zers were promised a life of financial stability, freedom, and comfortability by their older grandparents, parents, ...
Lady Gaga made an important announcement as host of Saturday Night Live: the word slay is out—and so are several more gen-z ...
Rediffusion’s Red Lab has released its much-anticipated annual pop culture report, “Vibes: The Ultimate Gen-Z Rundown 2024,” ...
And then came the definitive phrase: “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” which Kate Moss — the greatest exponent of ...
Some years, that involves hosting big photoshoots at interesting or recently opened locales, and one year it involved asking ...
Pilot Iain Njiraini has encouraged the youth to form their own political formation and recruit young people and experienced ...
Every generation feels pressure to keep up with trends, especially in its youth. But many members of Gen Z seem to be under ...
Move over Ibiza. According to a recent study, more young travellers are abandoning boozy trips with their mates for enriching ...