God has appointed us to bear fruit. In the spiritual life, it can be hard to judge whether we are blossoming or wilting, so ...
Pope Francis on Sunday said defeats are not definitive for those who believe in Jesus Christ and trust in God’s love and ...
Sixty-five years after his father, the late Billy Graham, first preached in Addis Ababa, Franklin Graham returned to the ...
But what if there was a way back? That is, a way to regain the love, warmth, and tender affection. If it is difficult for you ...
Every week, the Harborough churches write for the Harborough Mail. This week, it is the turn of the Congregational Church and ...
Jesus’ death on the Cross was not a limited act only for his family, the 12, other followers and some of the rest of the ...
... his prayer that brings together both the vertical and horizontal is the "perfect prayer" as it comes from Jesus.
All fatherhood is shaped differently through the unique and irreplaceable domestic intangibles and intimacies of family life.
Prayer is a special gift from God through which we talk to Him. By simply sharing our hearts with our Creator, we thank him, think of him and share all ...
Those of us who have been monitoring current Catholic mystics must surely agree that the dreadful warnings (prophecies) from them are now happening in growing m ...
The story of Easter is thus not about balancing or neutralizing sin but about the collapse of sin’s false narrative under the ...