Elephant figurines placed inside the front door, near the home's entrance, have two meanings: Though placed with intention, ...
I pull open my front door. Then I drop my shoe. Rather than finding Gibres on my patio, I’m greeted by an African elephant staring back at me. Her three infants continue to munch on the saplings ...
A wild elephant in the Kekirawa area is reportedly exhibiting unusual behaviour — knocking on doors at night and becoming ...
Elegant Elephant's door was shattered on Saturday morning, and the burglar left with cash from the till. Tools were stolen and a window was smashed at WildCraft Cider Works. A recent spate of ...
The ICC has opened its doors to the public to tell the story ... you can meet Jackson, the only male elephant there and one of the most prolific sires of elephant calves in the world." ...
Colombo, March 6 (Daily Mirror) - A wild elephant in the Kekirawa area is reportedly exhibiting unusual behaviour—knocking on doors at night and becoming aggressive when residents do not open them.