Guitarists, a little Rorschach Test for you. When I say "Spring," what is the first word that comes to mind? Ding ding ding, if you said "Reverb," You are correct! Your prize? Fender Certified ...
ONE of the UK’s biggest music chains has pulled its entire website offline and shut for “maintenance”. The abrupt move, which took place on March 25, has sparked fears the iconic ...
Don’t let the fun Etch A Sketch-inspired retro design fool you, this is a serious tremolo with serious capabilities ...
From a revelatory debut of Chilean post punk to gargantuan sound design, via left-field trad fiddles, sonic euphoria, and proof that innovative dance music is still being made, tQ's staffers round up ...
We've uncovered the very best offers on a range of music-making gear from the likes of PRS, Yamaha, Roland, Epiphone and more ...