and it was leaves. Another source of stress on trees is insects and diseases. For example, Dutch Elm Disease (DED) arrived in Nova Scotia around 1960 and has since wiped out the majority of elm ...
The Wells City Council held their first meeting of the month on Monday, March 10 and once again had a lengthy discussion on ...
It wasn't hard to find things from Drew Barrymore's 'Beautiful" lineup that we'd love to have in our own home.
While the official First Day of Spring always happens in March, those of us living in the Dakotas and Montana know that our ...
For months, ash trees on city property in Cloquet have worn a ribbon of green plastic, declaring them at risk from Emerald ...
Wash equipment and spray with WD40. Select the branch on the elm tree that is showing the typical Dutch elm disease (DED) symptoms of leaf wilt or browning. This may require the use of a pole pruner.
Dutch elm disease is also less prevalent ... “In the fall, clean up old needles from under trees and rake leaves away from trees," Davis said. "If you have diseased trees and you mulch ...
Dutch Elm Disease.” Seymanski said its best to check and remove dead trees now rather than later in the tree’s yearly cycle. Seymanski said, “You always want to trim your trees before they ...
A: If snow has melted away from trees near the foundation of the house, take a little bit of snow from another part of the ...