We ranked 7 Dr Pepper flavors from least to most beloved, based on reviews, Reddit chatter, and retailer ratings.
Health-conscious consumers are shifting from sugary soft drinks to those with dietary fibers, says Laura Cooper of The Wall ...
F or me, floats are the peak of drink nostalgia. They bring to mind hot summer days, old-school diners, and last-minute runs ...
Unlike many popular soda flavors, Dr Pepper is neither Coke nor Pepsi, it is its own brand. The popular drink is owned by ...
Throughout his election campaign, Donald Trump continuously attacked the mental health of his political opponent, Joe Biden, ...
Keurig Dr. Pepper (KDP) was the third soft drink brand with a $45.234 billion market cap. Some analysts believe that Pepsi has a shot at surpassing Coca-Cola soon, but not by selling more soda.