A man sleeps in the doorway of the Neiman Marcus flagship store in Downtown Dallas in May 2020 ... target only those four cities and leave out Houston, which has 2.3 million residents, or the ...
"We are excited that Saks Global has decided to keep Neiman Marcus open downtown, as we explore the opportunity to unlock the potential to transform downtown into an international beacon and economic ...
Visitors to Deep Cuts Coffee, located in the sky bridge at Pacific Place in downtown Dallas, are greeted by a glowing neon sign asking them the iconic question Ghostface poses to victims in the ...
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered Sunday afternoon at Dallas ... downtown residents and businesses in advance to prepare for heavy traffic and street closures near City Hall as well as on Houston ...
DALLAS — The annual NCA All-Star National Championship resumed Sunday, a day after police said a fight among parents led to panic in Downtown Dallas at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.
HOUSTON — A Houston city ... to begin the process of renaming the downtown section of Bagby Street that runs from where Allen Parkway converts to Dallas Street and goes northeast towards ...
Thanks-Giving Square is located in downtown Dallas and is bordered by Pacific Avenue, North Ervay Street and Bryan Street. It is free to visit daily. The garden is open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m ...
Hunt Realty shared draft designs with Dallas leaders earlier this month that would shift the $3.7 billion downtown convention ...
according to the Dallas Sports Commission. The competition, scheduled for Feb. 28 to March 2, will take place in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center downtown. It is estimated to generate $ ...