Josh Weikert, an Immaculata University professor, fought off a strong challenger and won only after answering the final ...
James Corson, from Fredrick, Maryland, returned to try and win his third game, after blowing his competitors out of the water ...
The game started off with a triple stumper on a $1,000 question. “A Chinese game combines with a Vegas one in this 3-word ...
The judges give contestants who don’t answer with a question a break in the first round, but not during Double Jeopardy ... Each contestant is guaranteed $2,000, which they can use to pay ...
The judges give contestants who don’t answer with a question a break in the first round, but not during Double Jeopardy ... Each contestant is guaranteed $2,000, which they can use to pay ...
It was a big night on "Jeopardy!" for Paramus resident Eugene Huang, a teacher at Dumont High School, who made a memorable ...
That happened near the end of the game when she wagered $2,000 in the category “From the mouths of birds.” The clue called ...
Karen Read’s latest effort to have her murder case tossed, this one for allegedly “extraordinary governmental misconduct,” ...
Robin Carroll: An instructional designer from Atlanta, Georgia, and the 2000 Tournament of Champions ... Long - $3,400 Ray ...
Engelhardt was in second with $4,400. The reigning champion, Corson, trailed with $2,000. Engelhardt was quick on the buzzer in Double Jeopardy and slowly caught up to Goldfisher. She then found ...
ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) ruled on Monday that fictitious property transactions, even those executed before ...