Lexicon eligible to receive up to $1 billion in upfront and development, regulatory and sales milestone payments, including $75 million in upfront and near-term milestone paymentsTHE WOODLANDS, Texas, ...
In a major development that could affect the many patients suffering from serious illnesses, prices of crucial drugs used to ...
General and administrative expense for the year ended December 31, 2024 increased to $4.7 million, compared to $4.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2023 primarily due to increased salaries and ...
In an effort to achieve a target of 80% of patients controlling the three highs and protecting kidney health within eight ...
Bupa research has found three in four UK adults don't know their blood pressure, and half don't know their weight.
But resistant starch can help you feel full after a meal, and that may lower the risk you’ll overeat, Cording says. Resistant ...
But if you’re interested in losing weight with intermittent fasting, you might be wondering: Can you drink coffee while ...