Residents along Parkview Street in St. Paul are leveling a lawsuit against the city, claiming officials weren't transparent ...
The felled trees stood approximately 10 meters tall and were still quite green and healthy when being cut down ...
Blooming trees and flowers are a classic sign of spring, but one flowering tree actually causes an ugly invasive problem.
Horticulture Specialist Amanda Weidner of the Pueblo County CSU-Extension Office writes about planting trees and offers tips ...
Residents who wish to remove Bradford pear trees from their property are encouraged to contact a licensed tree professional ...
With a sharp spade, dig a circle around tree roots to create a root ball that’s the width you calculated in step 2. Dig down 1 to 2 feet, and then cut under the roots to round out the root ball.
This week's column shares tips on peach trees and advice for moving a crepe myrtle tree and dividing maiden grass — possibly with an ax.
Onalaska High School natural resources students had an opportunity Wednesday to learn a practice utilized by fruit growers for thousands of years: tree grafting. "We're basically making clones," said ...
It's important to choose a healthy stem for propagating your weeping fig as using a weak stem may grow a weaker new plant or ...