Campionatul Mondial de handbal masculin, găzduit de Norvegia, Danemarca şi Croaţia, programat între 14 ianuarie și 2 ...
Josip Dabro, vicepremierul Croaţiei, şi-a prezentat demisia după ce în spaţiul public au apărut imagini cu el în maşină, în ...
Potrivit CIR, conturi „cu imagini şi hashtag-uri pro-ruse” au postat în mod regulat conţinut care îl laudă pe Milanović pe reţelele sociale, inclusiv pe X şi Facebook, în „două valuri”: după ce acesta ...
Croatia's "pro-Russian" president, Zoran Milanović, overwhelmingly won reelection for another five-year term on Sunday. Milanović, 58, defeated a candidate from the ruling conservative party in ...
Croatia's opposition-backed President Zoran Milanovic, a critic of the European Union and NATO, overwhelmingly won reelection for another five-year term on Sunday, defeating a candidate from the ...
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — Croatia’s opposition-backed President Zoran Milanović, a critic of the European Union and NATO, overwhelmingly won reelection for another five-year term on Sunday ...
Croatia’s opposition-backed President Zoran Milanovic, a critic of the European Union and NATO, has overwhelmingly won re-election for another five-year term, according to official results.
Croatia’s opposition-backed President Zoran Milanović, a critic of the European Union and NATO, overwhelmingly won reelection for another five-year term on Sunday, defeating a candidate from ...
Croatia's President Milanović Wins Another Term After Defeating Ruling Party Candidate in Runoff ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — Croatia's opposition-backed President Zoran Milanović, a critic of the ...
ZAGREB – Croatia’s populist President Zoran Milanovic was re-elected in a landslide, defeating his conservative rival in the run-off on Jan 12, official results showed. Mr Milanovic took more ...