Through net metering, your home doesn't just consume energy – it generates, stores, and trades it. Here's how this ingenious ...
This is money for MTA infrastructure projects, including the Interborough Express, a rapid transit line that will connect ...
Smart meters provide detailed information so a customer can make choices about how and when to use energy and save money, ...
They’re called smart meters. And both Con Edison and NYSEG utility companies say they are a way for customers to keep watch on energy use and to save money. Con Edison said on its website it has ...
EY believes that utilities are required to balance growing energy demands, decarbonization goals and […] Consolidated Edison, Inc. ("Con Edison") (NYSE: ED) executives will meet with investors ...
Customers have been complaining about rising electricity and gas rates in recent months, and that chorus is getting louder as ...
Westchester County Executive Ken Jenkins signed legislation that solidifies the County’s commitment to challenging Con Edison ...