The bill being considered by the Minnesota Legislature would require a standardized financial aid letter so students could ...
In this week's Letters to the Editor, Lynn Perata praises Encinal High School's performance of 'Mamma Mia,' and AEF reaffirms ...
Many companies now don’t require candidates to submit cover letters. But should you still submit them? The author argues that ...
I applaud Kessa Benner’s decision to speak out on the unfairness of her having to compete against a biological male in her athletic event (“My dream of a state pole vaulting championship was unfairly ...
The current majority in Washington, D.C., claims they are driven by strong Christian beliefs. Lathrap’s message of compassion and understanding is derived from Christian Scripture. I wonder if they ...
Franklin County 911 dispatcher Payton Timmons received the Emergency Health Services Federation Clinical Save Commendation for his role in saving a woman in cardiac arrest. Timmons provided ...
I read the headline in The Morning Call Sunday, Feb. 23 edition concerning the demise of WLVR. My first thought was, “No kidding, what took so long?” The station made a mistake in changing ...
When I hear the words “Medal of Honor” I think of the military men and women who went far beyond their expectations of duty, ...
Joaquin Phoenix, Sandra Oh, Emma Thompson were among more than 500 Hollywood stars and industry leaders who signed a letter ...
In December 1862, Abraham Lincoln concluded his address to Congress with these words: ...
The City of Bridgeton recently distributed awards to more than 40 police officers in what, in a real sense, was the event of a decade for the department. Chief of Police Michael A. Gaimari Sr.
I am proud to announce the next evolution of the L.A. Times to better engage with our audience. Today, we are releasing new features to enhance and improve our digital product, integrating ...