“And I get deemed ineligible to continue to play college sports because ... Peterman donned a gold football helmet with a dollar sign decal to match his off-white suit at the NIL Summit.
But the Buckeyes aren't the first college football stadium to host outdoor ... In a nod to the college sports helmet sticker tradition, decals depicting the Buckeye Leaf helmet award, the Blue ...
Few big-name head coach hires have been met with the skepticism North Carolina football encountered ... wore Ohio State and George decals on the back of his helmet — a new trend among elite ...
One NFL writer believes they can land college football's national sacks ... "Don't base your evaluation on the decal on his helmet... he's the complete package at the position." ...
DeShon Foxx was changing the spark plugs on his 1969 Chevrolet Camaro when he received the life-changing call.
It didn't matter he was playing football games against Tiger's ... Organizers added No. 7 decals to each player's helmet and then in an uncanny coincidence Bech caught a 2-yard TD pass with ...