Amazon says hundreds of people have bought this red light therapy device in the last month alone, with reviewers praising it ...
While individual cold sore episodes will heal, there’s no way to banish the virus from your body, so you’ll always be at risk for future outbreaks, Dr. Wassef said. “HSV-1 is a chronic ...
Scientists have a new target to prevent cold sores after University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers discovered an unexpected way the herpes virus re-activates in the body. The finding ...
The best cold medicine won't cure your virus, but it will help you manage your symptoms. These OTC options should stay ...
Scientists have a new target to prevent cold sores after University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers discovered an unexpected way the herpes virus re-activates in the body.
You should see a doctor promptly if your cough is accompanied by fevers, chills, night sweats, coughing up blood, shortness ...
A new study reveals that herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), commonly known for causing cold sores, can travel through the nasal ...
Cold plunges Here are the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
But the shingles studies published in 2024, along with a host of new papers, add weight to an alternative decades-old ...
Scientists have a new target to prevent cold sores after University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers discovered an unexpected way the herpes virus re-activates in the body. The finding ...
Sitopaladi Churna for cold and cough contains pure and natural Vanshalochan crystals extracted from Bamboo Read this article to know the benefits of sitopaladi churna for cold cough and sore throat ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am on a low-sodium diet by choice. I do not add salt to anything, except when I bake for others. I have ...