Fleetwood Mac vocalist and keyboardist Christine McVie bought her London penthouse a year after re-joining the beloved rock band in 2014. It's now listed for sale for $8.9 million more than two years ...
How Christine "Mother Earth" McVie's kindness and maturity led to Stevie Nicks' seamless entry into Fleetwood Mac.
Nearly two years after her death at age 79, Christine McVie is receiving overdue appreciation as the dueling doyenne in Fleetwood Mac. “Songbird: An Intimate Biography of Christine McVie” (out ...
The late Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac hailed from England, so it makes sense that her estate was located in London. Now, nearly three years after her death, her Belgravia penthouse is ...
Fleetwood Mac wrote in a statement that Christine McVie "was truly one-of-a-kind, special and talented beyond measure" Rachel DeSantis is a senior writer on the music team at PEOPLE. She has ...