Carsten Bösel weiß, was Camper wollen. In Brandenburg an der Havel richtet er Oldtimer von VW und Trabant für kurze und lange Touren her und verleiht sie.
The Brandenburg Gate was defaced by activists from the group Last Generation. They painted the monument. Theolice arrested two individuals. Once again, the Brandenburg Gate has been targeted by ...
the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Chain Bridge in Budapest and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The displays were reminiscent of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 attack ...
The words "Never forget" and "#BringThemHomeNow" are projected onto the orange-lit Brandenburg Gate during a memorial service to mark the funeral of the Bibas family members in Israel. Sebastian ...
the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and the Chain Bridge in Budapest. All have local leaders who are supportive of Israel. The ...